Freud with Sea Cucumber

CyanPhase Sea Cucumber

Type: Buzz Effect Machine
Description A mix between a EQ-3, a antiope-1 like thing, a ring modulator. (and a pizza compressor as synnet said)

Low-GainLower band gain
Low-ModMixLower band mix between modulated and original signal
Low-ModInput Lower band modulation input type:
None - No modulation
RModSine - Ring modulation by sine oscilator
ARMod(StA) - Ring modulation by sine oscilator controlled by stereo aux input A
ARMod(StB) - Ring modulation by sine oscilator controlled by stereo aux input B
ARMod(A-L) - Ring modulation by sine oscilator controlled by left aux input A
ARMod(A-R) - Ring modulation by sine oscilator controlled by right aux input A
ARMod(B-L) - Ring modulation by sine oscilator controlled by left aux input B
ARMod(B-R) - Ring modulation by sine oscilator controlled by right aux input B
RMod(StA) - Direct Ring modulation with stereo aux input A
RMod(StB) - Direct Ring modulation with stereo aux input B
RMod(A-L) - Direct Ring modulation with left aux input A
RMod(A-R) - Direct Ring modulation with right aux input A
RMod(B-L) - Direct Ring modulation with left aux input B
RMod(B-R) - Direct Ring modulation with right aux input B
AMod(StA) - Direct AM modulation with stereo aux input A
AMod(StB) - Direct AM modulation with stereo aux input B
AMod(A-L) - Direct AM modulation with left aux input A
AMod(A-R) - Direct AM modulation with right aux input A
AMod(B-L) - Direct AM modulation with left aux input B
AMod(B-R) - Direct AM modulation with right aux input B
Low-PitchLower band oscillator pitch for modulation
Mid-GainMiddle band gain
Mid-ModMixMiddle band mix between modulated and original signal
Mid-ModInputMiddle band modulation input type:
None - No modulation
RModSine - Ring modulation by sine oscilator
ARMod(StA) - Ring modulation by sine oscilator controlled by stereo aux input A
ARMod(StB) - Ring modulation by sine oscilator controlled by stereo aux input B
ARMod(A-L) - Ring modulation by sine oscilator controlled by left aux input A
ARMod(A-R) - Ring modulation by sine oscilator controlled by right aux input A
ARMod(B-L) - Ring modulation by sine oscilator controlled by left aux input B
ARMod(B-R) - Ring modulation by sine oscilator controlled by right aux input B
RMod(StA) - Direct Ring modulation with stereo aux input A
RMod(StB) - Direct Ring modulation with stereo aux input B
RMod(A-L) - Direct Ring modulation with left aux input A
RMod(A-R) - Direct Ring modulation with right aux input A
RMod(B-L) - Direct Ring modulation with left aux input B
RMod(B-R) - Direct Ring modulation with right aux input B
AMod(StA) - Direct AM modulation with stereo aux input A
AMod(StB) - Direct AM modulation with stereo aux input B
AMod(A-L) - Direct AM modulation with left aux input A
AMod(A-R) - Direct AM modulation with right aux input A
AMod(B-L) - Direct AM modulation with left aux input B
AMod(B-R) - Direct AM modulation with right aux input B
Mid-PitchMiddle band oscillator pitch for modulation
High-GainHigher band gain
High-ModMixHigher band mix between modulated and original signal
High-ModInputHigher band modulation input type:
None - No modulation
RModSine - Ring modulation by sine oscilator
ARMod(StA) - Ring modulation by sine oscilator controlled by stereo aux input A
ARMod(StB) - Ring modulation by sine oscilator controlled by stereo aux input B
ARMod(A-L) - Ring modulation by sine oscilator controlled by left aux input A
ARMod(A-R) - Ring modulation by sine oscilator controlled by right aux input A
ARMod(B-L) - Ring modulation by sine oscilator controlled by left aux input B
ARMod(B-R) - Ring modulation by sine oscilator controlled by right aux input B
RMod(StA) - Direct Ring modulation with stereo aux input A
RMod(StB) - Direct Ring modulation with stereo aux input B
RMod(A-L) - Direct Ring modulation with left aux input A
RMod(A-R) - Direct Ring modulation with right aux input A
RMod(B-L) - Direct Ring modulation with left aux input B
RMod(B-R) - Direct Ring modulation with right aux input B
AMod(StA) - Direct AM modulation with stereo aux input A
AMod(StB) - Direct AM modulation with stereo aux input B
AMod(A-L) - Direct AM modulation with left aux input A
AMod(A-R) - Direct AM modulation with right aux input A
AMod(B-L) - Direct AM modulation with left aux input B
AMod(B-R) - Direct AM modulation with right aux input B
High-PitchHigher band oscillator pitch for modulation
AREnvModHow much the aux input does on the amplitude controlled oscilator.
ARDecayHow fast the amplitude controlled oscilator returns back to the pitch.
L-Low CutoffLike in EQ-3, this defines where the lower and middle bands are in the left channel.
L-High CutoffLike in EQ-3, this defines where the middle and higher bands are in the left channel.
R-Low CutoffLike in EQ-3, this defines where the lower and middle bands are in the right channel.
R-High CutoffLike in EQ-3, this defines where the middle and higher bands are in the right channel.
Dry ThruHow much of the dry unprocessed sound goes through.

Remember to look at the about box of the sea cucumber machine, thx ;)

Thanx to Mute for the graphx and the whole idea.
Thanx to wakax for the graphx on the right of the about box.
Thanx to #buzz for the insanity

CyanPhase -
Mute -
wakax -
Copyright 2000 Edward L. Blake